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    Boost Academic Performance in Spanish and English

    Deliver a personalized online learning program proven to accelerate biliteracy growth using authentically written content and resources - never translations. Students build skills through engaging, culturally relevant instruction that makes learning fun.

    Provide your educators with robust tools to measure biliteracy growth, enhance instruction and intervention, and reach standard expectations for Spanish and English Language Arts on time.

    Istation Spanish Literacy Supports All Bilingual Programs and Models

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    Leverage Biliteracy Data to Measure Readiness in Spanish and English

    Istation’s powerful biliteracy reports provide a side-by-side comparison of student linguistic and academic performance in both languages.

    Teachers use this actionable data to recognize cognitive and language acquisition challenges and respond with precision.

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    Measure literacy and language development in Spanish and English by school, classroom, or student.

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    Identify and promptly address language acquisition challenges.

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    Empower educators with time-saving resources for Spanish instruction and intervention.


    Deliver Culturally Relevant Spanish Literacy Instruction

    Enrich bilingual instruction with authentically written - never translated - content, resources, and practice in Spanish and English.

    Istation Spanish Literacy cultivates biliteracy growth through lessons that build language skills based on the natural hierarchy of a transparent language.

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    Authentic Content

    Leverage instructional content, scripted lessons, and personalized learning paths designed by and for Spanish speakers.

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    Personalized Library

    Collect and organize Spanish lessons and resources in your personalized library.

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    Bilingual Resources

    Access thousands of teaching resources in Spanish and English, including new microlearning videos.

    “Not all teachers [in our district] are bilingual or certified bilingual, and we needed to find a tool that would help them diagnose, analyze and quickly determine where a student is academically.”

    — Superintendent in El Paso, Texas

    Istation Spanish Literacy Loved by These Districts

    District Icon - Manor
    District Icon - Leander
    District Icon - Ysleta
    District Icon - Kileen
    District Icon PSJA
    Image of Istation Lectura assessment.

    Biliteracy Assessments

    Designed by and for Spanish speakers, Istation provides authentic Spanish screeners and progress monitoring.

    Computer-adaptive technology adjusts to each student’s ability level to ensure biliteracy growth. 

    Istation Lectura Secret Word Game.

    Engaging Biliteracy Practice

    Motivate students to take an active role in their learning journey with Istation’s personalized practice.

    Driven by assessment data and designed to supplement classroom instruction, Istation places students on a personalized learning path with engaging content that celebrates their heritage and culture. 


    Spanish Literacy Intervention

    Through biliteracy reporting and assessments, quickly identify student language barriers and skill gaps.

    Then, use Istation's evidence-based instructional recommendations to intervene with precision.

    Enrich instruction for higher performers while providing crucial support for at-risk students in Spanish and English.

    “With Istation we are seeing those results of kids learning how to read, how to write, how to listen, and how to use language effectively.”

    — Director for EL and World Languages in Algonquin, Illinois

    See What Istation Can Do for Your Schools

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    Help teachers evaluate and teach Spanish-speaking students effectively.
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    Support Spanish-speaking students in their first language to facilitate second-language acquisition.

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    Provide all students with strong foundational literacy skills in Spanish and English.

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    Research Study: Accelerate Biliteracy

    View evidence on how one large Texas school district doubled the odds of improving student scores on the TELPAS assessments using Istation.


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    Three Key Benefits of Student Biliteracy

    Discover the benefits of student biliteracy and learn how promoting literacy in Spanish can drive student success.


    Developing English Language Proficiency

    See the latest research on why home-language development for Spanish-speaking students is key to developing English-language proficiency.