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    K-3 IRI: ISIP Reading and all K-5 Teacher Lessons

    Required Testing Windows (2023-2024):
    BOY: August or September*
    EOY: May*
    *Depending on LEA, LEAs are encouraged to assess all students in the same month

    Grades 4-5: Optional access to ISIP Reading and all teacher lessons

    Visit the Idaho Department of Education page.

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    Istation was selected by the Idaho State Department of Education as the vendor to support the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI).

    What are Istation’s assessments? 

    Istation’s Indicators of Progress or ISIP Reading is a sophisticated, web-delivered computer-adaptive testing (CAT) system that provides continuous progress monitoring (CPM) by frequently assessing and reporting student ability in critical domains of reading throughout the academic year

    ISIP Reading for grade 4 and 5 is optional starting in the 2023-2024 school year.

    Visit the Idaho Department of Education page.

    Click to download the Idaho import template here.

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    Istation was selected by the Idaho State Department of Education as the vendor to support the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) for all students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. The ISIP assessment helps teachers best understand your child’s skills and meet their needs. 



    If you have any additional questions about Istation, please visit our Help Center.