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    Your Key to Equitable Reading Achievement

    Create equitable learning opportunities district-wide with Istation's new Growth Pathways Report. Set realistic growth goals, monitor student progress, and identify if instruction and interventions are driving growth all year long.

    Power Student Success with Istation's NEW

    Growth Pathways Report

    Istation Icon Wide Predictability BarGraph@2x

    Provide equitable growth pathways for all students

    Istation Icon Wide Reading Assessment@2x

    Help educators set realistic and attainable goals

    Istation Icon Wide Magnifying Glass@2x

    Allow educators to make data-informed decisions

    Growth Pathways Report

    How it Works

    Educators get customized projections calculated using a student's beginning of year Istation Reading formative assessment score. 

    Growth pathways align to the lowest gain score a student needs to demonstrate typical, above typical, or accelerated growth over one school year. 

    In-Line 1 students laptop

    Set Achievable Growth Goals for Every Student

    Forecast appropriate learning outcomes for every student! Set personalized reading goals, then the report will prescribe the exact path including growth milestones to keep them on track to reading success. 

    Plus, compare a student’s reading skill level to that of their peers to find fast tracks to success. 


    Make Intelligent Decisions Powered by Data

    Projected paths visually forecast how students will progress throughout the year. Harness this data to implement personalized instruction and interventions to ensure every student gets the support they need to grow.


    Elevate Reading Instruction and Intervention

    Educators can use this report to monitor student progress and inform decisions about instruction and intervention.