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    Where Intervention Started

    What originally started as a form of progress monitoring, Response to Intervention (RTI) quickly developed into a comprehensive instructional approach used by school districts.

    In the beginning, RTI looked like the well-known Response to Intervention pyramid. This pyramid was divided into student tiers, where each tier received its own specialized intervention.

    Later, this structure began to evolve into focusing on more than just academic intervention. It started to factor in behavioral interventions that were found to influence student academic outcomes. 

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    From RTI to MTSS 

    As RTI continued to evolve in scope and depth, intervention and support started to incorporate the diverse needs of students.

    The RTI pyramid model morphed into a circle to represent ongoing student intervention, also known as Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS).

    The behavioral aspects of intervention came to include cultural awareness, evidence-based practices, and a multilevel prevention system incorporating key supports such as a school’s community and MTSS technologies.

    From RTI to MTSS 

    As RTI continued to evolve in scope and depth, intervention and support started to incorporate the diverse needs of students. The RTI pyramid model morphed into a circle to represent ongoing student intervention, also known as Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS).
    The behavioral aspects of intervention came to include cultural awareness, evidence-based practices, and a multilevel prevention system incorporating key supports such as a school’s community and MTSS technologies.Intervention AssetIntervention 3


    MTSS + RTI

    Understand the Difference

     While RTI and MTSS are both intervention approaches, they are different.

    When you think about intervention, MTSS is the complete framework for student intervention. Whereas, RTI is a key component of an MTSS system. MTSS supports whole student intervention factoring in student behavior, academics, and influences outside of school. 

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    RTI (Response to Intervention) Definition 

    RTI provides high-quality instruction and intervention to struggling students, typically tier 3.  Assessments determine where students are placed in a tier system based on intervention needs.

    Assessment, progress monitoring, and supporting data are integral parts of successful RTI implementation.

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    MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports) Definition

    RTI falls within the MTSS structure, which involves the entire school system in the intervention process. MTSS is multi-tier, meaning it provides support to students at all academic levels, from struggling students to advanced learners.

    MTSS promotes school-wide intervention success by incorporating resources such as technology tools, high-quality curriculum, behavioral influences, and professional development as part of intervention support.

    MTSS addresses more than a student’s academic performance. It factors in students' social, emotional, and behavioral development and fosters a deeper collaboration between school leaders, teachers, and a student's family situation. 

    MTSS Intervention Tiers

    Student tiers were set up to deliver specific instruction to support individual student intervention needs. There are three tiered levels of support, with some models incorporating a fourth tier and other models dividing tiers into smaller units.


    Tier 1: High-Quality Instruction for Every Student

    Within MTSS, Tier 1 delivers high-quality instruction for all students.

    It's the foundation for targeted interventions on a daily basis and provides personalized instruction to students based on learning needs.

    In this tier, teachers adjust instructional strategies on a regular basis to accommodate student learning. Tier 1's goal is to provide the most effective instruction to meet every student's needs. 

    All students receive Tier 1 instruction, with struggling students receiving additional support through Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention.

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    Tier 2: Targeted Skill and Small Group Intervention 

    Tier 2 intervention supports the development of a similar group of students struggling with a specific skill gap and/or social-emotional need.  

    These students are identified through the assessment process and teachers use this data to offer the right intervention strategies. Tier 2 interventions help struggling students get back on track by delivering targeted instruction that focuses on their specific needs.

    Instruction is usually provided in small groups instead of the larger classroom setting.


    Tier 3: Personalized Intervention Supporting Individual Students

    Tier 3 intervention supports high-risk students whose needs are not met by Tier 2 interventions.

    Students in Tier 3 need intensive support to get back on track. 

    In this tier, help is solicited beyond the classroom.

    Multidisciplinary staff and other outside influences step in to accommodate the student's learning needs.  Typically this includes teachers, caregivers, school leaders, support staff, mental health providers, and other community members.

    Intervention Diagram

    Istation's Intervention Solution

    Deliver personalized instruction and intervention for students at every level with Istation's digital intervention program.

    Provide your schools with tools to leverage critical data to pinpoint struggling students, and ensure they know exactly where to step in to facilitate academic success. 

    Districts seamlessly integrate Istation with existing MTSS and RTI programs to boost student growth.

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